free downloads
Show that you are a legitimate, educated Massage Therapist
It would be weird to hang a sign on the front door of your practice saying, “We don’t give happy endings here.” Let Respect Massage do the talking for you. Allow our logo downloads and videos to open up a conversation with the public and your clients about the intentions of your practice.
Video—“proud member of respect massage”
Click “Share > Embed” in the YouTube player to embed on your website!
Video—“What The Respect Massage Logo Means”
Copy the link to share the video on your social media channels.
Not sure what to write on your website next to the logo or videos? Copy and paste our membership statement:
Massage therapists that are members of Respect Massage hold themselves to the highest standards of an ethical, boundary-driven practice. Respect Massage members have a zero-tolerance policy for solicitations of any kind. Jokes, innuendo, and inappropriate requests are taken seriously and will result in the swift termination of the session. When choosing a practice displaying the Respect Massage logo, you can have confidence in the safety and professionalism you will experience as a client.
ways to Use the Respect Massage downloads in your marketing
Put on your website
Display on your resume
Post on social media
Place on your intake forms
Embed in your email signature
Use on your business cards, brochures, etc.
It’s Time to Be In Control & Prepared For Any Situation

1. Download our free resources

2. Enroll in our online CE course

3. Share the #RespectMassage movement